Links: Your Brain Is Tricky, Making Black Vienna Work & More

Links: Your Brain Is Tricky, Making Black Vienna Work & More
Board Game: Godzilla: Kaiju World Wars
If you're like me, then you're 6'5" and in need of a haircut. More relevantly to this post, you take whatever you read and apply it to games, as with this first item:

• A March 2011 article in Scientific American titled "How Free Is Your Will?" reports on research that suggests you decide to take action before you know that you decide to take action. Patients who had electrodes implanted in their brains and recording the activity of specific neurons were asked to watch a clock with a button in hand, press the button whenever they wanted to, and – most importantly – indicate where the second hand had been pointing when they decided to press the button. From the article:

But here is the interesting thing: about a quarter of these neurons began to change their activity before the time patients declared as the moment they felt the urge to press the button. The change began as long as a second and a half before the decision, and as early as seven tenths of a second before it, this activity was robust enough that the researchers could predict with over 80 percent accuracy not only whether a movement had occurred, but when the decision to make it happened.
I'd like to see this experiment recreated with patients playing Jungle Speed.

• Designer Richard Berg was interviewed on the Old Board Gamers Blog about Godzilla: Kaiju World Wars, due out soonish from Toy Vault.

• Designers Jay Cormier and Sen-Foong Lim are interviewed on Giant Fire Breathing Robot about Train of Thought, Belfort and working together as a long-distance couple.

• On Opinionated Gamers, Greg Aleknevicus explains why he created an online version of the deduction game Black Vienna and why the online version does (and doesn't) work better than the real life version. Which other games fall into the bucket of "better as an online game"? I know I had that reaction after playing At the Gates of Loyang with three. I appreciated the cleverness of the design and liked the game play, but watching others churn through the possibilities of how to string together a dozen actions optimally was less of a thrill.

• The seventh annual gathering of game designers at the Swiss Museum of Games takes place May 7-8, 2011. If you happen to be in the neighborhood – or need an excuse to visit the Alps – be sure to stop and check it out!

• Another obscure game migrates to iOS, this being 22 Apples by designer Juan Carlos Pérez Pulido. I've played this game roughly a dozen times and have not won once. Apparently I perfected an anti-strategy...

• And designer Reinhard Staupe has moved into the iOS field as well, but with the original game SqWhere, developed as an app by Gilad Yarnitzky.


Preview: Ankh-Morpork – an Early Peek at the City

Preview: Ankh-Morpork – an Early Peek at the City

Mar 29, 2011

There's a lot of buzz around Ankh-Morpork, even though the game isn't due out until late in 2011, but the reasons for this are clear, of course: a new Martin Wallace design themed in the...

New Game Round-up: New Dungeon Run, New Ages of Industry & FFG in June 2011

New Game Round-up: New Dungeon Run, New Ages of Industry & FFG in June 2011

Mar 28, 2011

A short list today, but one packed with lots in a small space:• Colby Dauch of Plaid Hat Games has updated the game listing for Mr. Bistro's Dungeon Run, detailing the game's setting and adding...

Designer Diary: The Endless Creation of Perpetual-Motion Machine

Designer Diary: The Endless Creation of Perpetual-Motion Machine

Mar 27, 2011

Perpetual-Motion Machine has been described by playtesters as Hansa Teutonica: The Card Game, which is nice praise, certainly, and while it is somewhat coincidental, the games are by no means...

Links: SdJ Offers Scholarship, Fraga on Egg Sales & Alexander Pfister Calls Me Out

Links: SdJ Offers Scholarship, Fraga on Egg Sales & Alexander Pfister Calls Me Out

Mar 27, 2011

Lazy Sunday reading:• The Spiel des Jahres committee is taking applications for its 16th annual Spieleautoren-Stipendium (game designer scholarship). The winner receives internships at both a...

Designer Diary: Top Speed – Racing on the Shoulders of Giants

Designer Diary: Top Speed – Racing on the Shoulders of Giants

Mar 25, 2011

Back in 2003, Spanish driver Fernando Alonso began doing good things in Formula 1, making Pole positions and winning races. Being a Formula 1 fan and a wannabe game designer, I decided to create...
