Eickert is incredibly excited about Gettysburg: The Bloody Crossroads, due out October 2012, and gives a quick overview of the game. Best of all is his answer to this question:
Nothing. We are part of a very creative, diverse, and growing market segment. Other developers are publishing incredible games that I love to play and often recommend to others. What Academy Games can offer is to be part of the driving force that is expanding this wonderful hobby of ours.
• Designer Jerry Hawthorne talks about Mice and Mystics in an interview conducted by BGG user "dustinthewind". Here's Hawthorne explaining the origins of the game: "A couple of years ago, my daughter was struggling with learning to read. I was convinced that she just didn't understand how imaginative books could be. Her reading was labored and robotic. I wanted to create an activity to accompany reading that would help her somehow. At the time, mice were her most favoritest of all animals. I started working on a story that could be played like a game. Later we discovered that she has a learning disorder similar to dyslexia, but the game had already taken on a life of its own."
• If you're interested in the "Voice of Experience" game review challenge being run on BGG, you might want to check out "The Long View", a new podcast on 2D6.org that "is designed to provide a critical and in depth look at a specific game each episode", according to podcast host Geof Gambill. "The games we feature in our discussions will be more than just a few months old! Many will have been released in the past one to three years. New enough to not be old, but not old enough to have already been designated as classic or clunker."
As Joel Eddy notes in the comments section of The Long View's first podcast, which covers Thunderstone, the guest panel will vary each episode depending on the game being discussed.
• In a timely post – well, timely for preparations in 2013 – someone at the Games & Grub blog asks "Can Origins be fixed? Does it need to be?" An (edited) excerpt: