• On Mechanics & Meeples, blogger Shannon Appelcline writes about "the problem of naked aggression", which is not what happens when a pantsless interloper confronts you in the back halls at a game convention, but rather "the ability to wantonly and freely attack another player, to crush their hopes of victory, to see their resources driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women (or men)", to use his words.
• Designer Jason Kotarski and his card game The Great Heartland Hauling Co. were featured on Michigan Live, with the URL for the profile amusingly shortened to "flint_man_creates_truck_driver".
• Someone at Giant Fire Breathing Robot asks whether game quality is decreasing – putting that question in the mouths of others – then answers in the negative:
When I was a boy, I had some board games. Some. Maybe seven. One of them was HeroQuest, and I played that thing to death. I played it so much that I had to create new dungeons and new cards myself to keep it fresh. At no point did I ever think to myself "Man! I really need some other dungeon crawling game that's almost identical to this one except from a few new little mechanics." At no point did I think "I wish someone would crowd-fund a second edition of this game with nicer artwork. I would totally back that!" I was happy with what I had. I didn’t need anything else. I saw worlds inside that box.
What happened to me? What happened to us?