• Todd Rowland at Alderac Entertainment Group talks with Tom Gurganus at the Go Forth and Game blog about upcoming releases and his personal history with the company, closing with this invitation of sorts for game designers:
• Erik Wecks at Wired's Geekdad offers game suggestions for those who are puzzled "What to Do When Settlers Isn't Enough". Feel free to offer your own suggestions to overwhelm new gamers with more choices than they can possibly process.
• Since 2009, members of the "State of Seething" have gathered annually to create a giant version of a familiar children's game, starting with Mouse Trap (video on BGG), then going on to Buckaroo! (video), Hungry Hungry Hippos (video below) and for 2012 Ker-Plunk!, although video for this event isn't available yet, probably because it took place June 16-17. (HT: Purple Pawn)