"CMON's goal is to create great games," says Chern Ann Ng, CEO of CMON. "This capital gives us the ability to expand quickly by bringing in more talent, acquire established titles from other publishers, as well as pursuing licenses that have mass market appeal."
Further financial terms of this deal have not been disclosed.
• More old news, but let's keep working through the inbox: In December 2015, MAGE Company signed a deal with Ninja Division for the latter to be the North American publisher of the former's line of games, including 12 Realms, Raid & Trade, and Aether Captains (which had an unsuccessful Kickstarter campaign in Feb. 2016 and which will likely be relaunched in April 2016).
• Another end-of-2015 item: Eye-Level Entertainment has closed its doors and is moving its remaining stock at closeout prices. ELE's Mark Anticole notes that by dropping the work involved with running a company, he and his brother Matthew hope to have more time to focus on game designs that they'll try to place with other publishers.
• Ontario-based toy and game manufacturer Spin Master has agreed to "purchase the library of board games owned by Editrice Giochi SRL, one of the oldest privately-held toy game companies in Italy", according to a press release via PR Newswire. An excerpt from the press release:
With a rich legacy in the games category, the Editrice Giochi brand compliments Spin Master's recent acquisition of Cardinal Games , a US-based company whose large library of games and puzzles Spin Master has commenced marketing and selling across Europe.
• As a counterpoint to all the kudos that modern games receive in mainstream publications, such as the item directly above, I present "The Five Board Games You Should Definitely Play as an Adult" from The Daily Utah Chronicle, which seems like a random list of game names pulled out of a hat.
• Can you make a Catan base game from a single 2x4? Yes, you can!