Best Board Game
• Castle Ravenloft
• Defenders of the Realm
• Fresco
• Lords of Vegas
• Nuns on the Run
Best Traditional Card Game
• Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer
• Back to the Future: The Card Game
• Hecho
• Hex Hex XL
• Railways of the World: The Card Game
Best Family, Party or Children's Game
• Ligretto Dice
• Telestrations
• Wits and Wagers Family Edition
• Word on the Street Junior
• Zombie Dice
Best Historical Board Game
• Catan Histories: Settlers of America – Trails to Rails
• Conflict of Heroes: Price of Honour Poland 1939
• Panzer General: Allied Assault
• Warlords of Europe
The winners of these and other categories will be announced during the Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Ohio, U.S., which runs June 22-26, 2011.
• Wizards of the Coast has released three bonus adventures for its 2011 release Wrath of Ashardalon, but you need both this game as well as WotC's first D&D Adventure System board game, Castle Ravenloft.
• The Board Game Designers Guild of Utah (BGDG) has released its Spring 2011 newsletter. Amazing to see how well-organized this group is – not to mention how well-represented its creations are among recently released games. You can download all the newsletters from the BGDG website.
• On The Noble Gamer, Ian Noble interviews first-time designer Galen Ciscell about Atlantis Rising. Very convenient having a last name like "Noble" when trying to think of a blog name...
• In his latest Postcard from Berlin, designer Jeffrey D. Allers details what went on behind the scenes when he was filmed by the German cultural station ARTE for its program X:enius on the game design process. As is typically the case, sounds like hours of time spent on interviews, demoes, in-between shots, etc. was boiled down to a few minutes. Of course that happens with every creative process as nothing bursts forth Athena-like in full readiness.
• On April 9, 2011, the non-profit organization 826NYC held its 4th Annual Scrabble for Cheaters Tournament, a fund-raising event in which players can pay money during a game to use a non-English word, add an X or Z to any word, play a proper noun, "find" a blank on their rack, and much more. Fun idea! (HT: Dale Yu)
• How much would you pay for a giant-sized inflatable Twister that fits up to ten people? If you $2,000 (or more), then Hammacher Schlemmer has the game for you. (HT: Dale Yu once again)
• Tech site Ars Technica highlights a homemade board game based on the movie Tron, complete with laser-etched acrylic game board and black light-reactive paint. The lengths some fans will go to recreating their objects of affection – now if you'll excuse me, I have to figure out how to pack the components for my House of Leaves board game into a Coloretto box...
• Ars Technica also features an interesting post titled "How Early Reviews Hurt Sales of Indie Games," by Ben Kuchera. An excerpt:
• Finally, Scott Alden – you know who he is, right? – passes on a link to a Google Tech Talk from Sebastian Deterding titled "Meaningful Play: Getting Gamification Right" that gives a thumb's up for how BGG encourages upward thumbs from users, not to mention microbadges and other items.