• Artist Giulia Ghigini (Dungeon Fighter, Horse Fever) is interviewed about her work for games and other things.
• Chris Kirkman at Dice Hate Me posts many pictures of the black box edition of Glory to Rome, which Cambridge Games Factory had on hand at the 2012 Origins Game Fair to supply Kickstarter backers who attended the con. Slowest game rollout ev-ah!
• Lookout Games, which currently has its titles distributed by Heidelburger Spieleverlag, moves to Asmodee for its distribution partner as of July 1, 2012, making it the first (but probably not the last) German publisher in Asmodee's line of offerings. (HT: Spielbox)
• David Miller at Purple Pawn has a short but interesting round-up of folks talking about "the future of gamification" – that is, the process of turning normal things into games, typically with the intent of making money in the process but sometimes merely to encourage people to adopt a particular behavior or habit.
• At the UK Games Expo in May 2012, Michael Fox from The Little Metal Dog Show interviewed Mayfair Games' Larry Roznai about the publisher's support of game conventions around the world and upcoming releases, including the late 2012 release of Catan Histories: Merchants of Europe in time for Spiel.