• GameSalute.com has launched Springboard, essentially a Kickstarter-style program that features nothing but games. Only one title is listed on Springboard as of its May 1, 2011 launch date, but I'm sure more titles will be springing forth in no time.
• Fantasy Flight Games has released digital versions of Hey, That's My Fish! for both iOS and Android devices, with a physical version of the game (previously published in English by Mayfair Games) coming in Q3 2011. You can check out the penguin miniatures to be included in the game in this game announcement from FFG.
• The first issue of the French-language Ystari Magazine is available for download (PDF) from the Ystari Games website.
• Speaking of Ystari, Dice Hate Me reports that the French publisher will release versions of Alien Frontiers in French, German, Italian and Spanish before the end of 2011. LocWorks will produce versions in Polish and "Eastern European" languages.
• Rio Grande Games lists a June 2011 release date for a reprint of Glen More.
• Looney Labs has two new promo postcards set to ship in June 2011 to tie into the release of Seven Dragons, a rethemed version of Aquarius with fantasy art from Larry Elmore and other tweaks.
• Designer Wolfgang Kramer has added a page of anecdotes about his games to his website. Strangely, the anecdotes are images and not text, so you'll need to know German to read them as you can't translate the page.
• Túaw reviews the Tikal iOS app from Codito/Sage Board Games. This isn't news for the review itself so much as for my continued amazement at how much coverage modern strategy games will get in mainstream-ish forums when the digital version of a game breaks out compared to coverage of the game itself. I'm old, though, so maybe my amazement means nothing. (HT: David Reed)
• In other iOS news, designer Al Newman has reported to me that he's signed a contract for an iPhone/iPad version of Dynasties, first released by Jolly Roger Games in 2005, then republished as Sun Tzu in 2010 by Matagot. Says Newman, "This will be multiplayer online, with rankings, ratings, the whole nine yards."
• In addition to Mondo now being playable on BrettspielWelt, designer Michael Schacht has created a special solo version of the game that's playable on Schacht's own website, with the time element replaced by a limitation on the number of times that a solver can exchange tiles while trying to reconstruct the landscape. You download the rules in English (PDF) or German (PDF)