• In newsletter #106 (PDF), Rio Grande Games' Jay Tummelson mentions that Dominion and its expansions have collectively sold more than one million copies when summing sales across all languages. In addition to the already announced Cornucopia, another Dominion expansion will be released in 2011 as well as another promo card.
• Boardgames Australia has announced the winners of its three awards. They are:
Best International Game 2010 - Dice Town (all nominees here)
Best Australian Game 2010 - Make 'n' Break Compact (all nominees here)
Best Children's Game 2010 - The Kids of Carcassonne (all nominees here)
• Designer Michael Schacht has posted a Nürnberg 2011 report in German and English on his blog.
• Designer James Ernest has updated the Cheapass Games website after many years of dormancy. As part of the site's overhaul, he plans to make a number of games available as free downloadable PDFs, with you, the user, paying whatever amount you feel is appropriate. For now only Agora is available on the site's "Games" page.
• Dixit, the 2010 Spiel des Jahres winner, is coming to the iPhone, and French publisher Libellud has pics of the prototype in a Facebook album. Libellud notes on its website that attendees to the Cannes game festival (Feb. 25-27, 2011) will be able to test the app.
• Doug Sartori has released a free iOS app of Robert Kraus' Neutron, a decades-old design from Games and Puzzles magazine.
• Kevin Tostado, director of Under the Boardwalk: The Monopoly Story, is holding a Kickstarter fundraiser to raise funds and bring this movie to additional theaters. Seems like the reverse of what normally happens with movies and theaters, but I don't claim to be an expert on the film industry. (Disclosure: Kevin interviewed me for the movie, but I've yet to steel myself to watch the DVD a friend lent me. Someday...)