I didn't think this was a complex shipping plan. I now know it is. The plant put everything on the boat: games for U.S. backers, games for Asian backers, and my two cases of blank Drug Cards. As a result, any game going to backers in Asia had to circle the planet; they had to go from Asia to the U.S., and then to the UK, and then back to Asia.
In the future, for any shipping plan more complex than "put it all on the boat", I will request that the plant not ship anything until they confirm the shipping plan with me. That will hopefully prevent this sort of issue from recurring.
• In The Wall Street Journal, Christopher Chabris delivers "The Inside Story on Narrative Games", highlighting what separates Pandemic Legacy and T.I.M.E Stories from other games:
On the show, kids competed against adults in eleven games, with one of them being a giant-sized version of Zoowaboo.