• And for a completely different take on gaining publicity through unusual means, here's a song about Village, created by eggertspiele's Alfred Viktor Schulz to celebrate that game's 2012 Kennerspiel des Jahres nomination.
• Happy Meeple is a relatively new online gaming site that features four licensed games: Lost Cities, Finito!, Level X and Keltis: Das Kartenspiel. Or rather, it features the first two games, which you can play after going through a tutorial and "earning" your white starter meeple, and the second two games which can be unlocked by paying gold coins that you earn by selling the wares that you win by playing the other two games. Plus, you must pay food for each game you play, and you earn food based on your time online and the town structure that you build with the materials you earn. If anyone's looking for an online gaming time sink, this might suit you well!
• On the blog Games With Two, an unnamed author writes about the Cody Jones theory of game collecting and how it's applied at the GWT home. The theory in brief, with light edits: