To quote that Asmodee Digital response:
For now, only PC, App Store & Google Play has been removed. Microsoft version will follow Jan 31th 2022 and then Nintendo Switch by the end of July 2022.
• On March 11-12, 2022, German publisher Ravensburger will host its fourth "Game Inventor Days", an online event in which designers can pitch up to two game ideas that have already been vetted beforehand. On its website, Ravensburger details (in English, French, and German) what it does and doesn't want to see. Applications opened on February 11, 2022 and close on March 3 or whenever the available time slots have been booked.
• German publisher Pegasus Spiele is thinking along the same lines, with its "Designer Days" event taking place March 10-12, 2022. You can register on its website through February 27, 2022.
• Italian publisher dV Giochi and the Lucca Comics & Games fair have announced the 35th edition of the Giochi Inedito — a themed competition for best new card game — and the theme for 2022 is hieroglyphs, with submissions being due by the end of February 2022.
While strolling through the BGG News queue, I ran across two items that I wrote for a links round-up in 2015...then never got back to finishing. I typically have 6-12 posts in the works at any point, in addition to a couple of dozen browser tabs open to things I might want to cover, not to mention all the emails I send myself, and sometimes things get left behind.
Anyway, here are those items:
• What accounts for seven of the top ten best-selling games in Markus King's retail store Troll and Toad? The Cards Against Humanity base game and expansions, along with two Superfight titles. What's different about those titles compared to almost everything else he carries? He can't purchase them from distributors. In this 2015 ICv2 column, he ruminates on how this affects his business and what it might mean for the future.
• In late June 2015, a prototype for a Snakes and Ladders-style game that featured Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein was auctioned for $500. The description states that this game was "covertly designed for the CIA by Donald Levine (the creator of the iconic G.I. Joe doll) in 2005 for an 'influence operation', intended to strategically distribute scary or perhaps comical depictions of Bin Laden and Hussein to children, ideally to dissuade them from joining a terrorist group such as Al Qaeda."