Players in Volcanic Isle are tasked with building villages and raising Moai across the continent. However, with each Moai raised, the possibility of a volcanic eruption increases! Eruptions devastate settlements and cause whole sections of the board to sink into the sea and be removed!
Last Aurora is a post-apocalyptic game for 2-4 players set in a frozen, desolate land. Each player has to manage their crew to gather resources, recruit survivors, improve their vehicle, and fight their enemies as they race to reach the ship before it's too late!
Almost fifty years later, Juan de Garay lead a new expedition and founded a new city in the same place with the name of Ciudad de Trinidad. This city has become the modern Buenos Aires. Just like the first time, resources are low and the natives are ready to defend their territories! What's more, now the Corsairs paid by the English Crown threaten the new Spanish settlement!
Trinidad is a strategy game based on player actions and worker placement mechanisms. Players represent the chiefs of the families of Spanish settlers of Buenos Aires. They must work together to defend and develop the city, but also look to gain sufficient prestige for themselves so that they can take the most important political offices. In the end, only one will be the new Governor! Will it be you?
The game covers several aspects of 16th century city development, from resource management and building constructions to commerce, character recruiting and improving, etc. There is also a tactical game part that allows players to manage the wars with Indios and Corsairs. The game comes full of miniatures for historical buildings, player workers, conquistadores, and Indio warriors.