• From Curtis Frantz: "Makes me wonder if Asmodee has ever approached BGG about acquiring them. Or if they will."
• From Nate Johnson: "How long till they make BGG an offer they can't refuse?"
• From Morgan Fleur De Lys: "I find it hard to believe that BGG wouldn't get multiple offers a year to cash out."
• From Jeff Huter: "Do we know for certain that Asmodee has not already acquired BGG?"
• From Patrick Swinkels: "Isn't BGG sponsored by Asmodee?"
To answer such inquiries, I sent a short list of questions to BGG owner Scott Alden, who answered them in even briefer fashion:
• WEM: Has Asmodee purchased BGG?
• Aldie: No
• WEM: If not Asmodee, has anyone else purchased BGG?
• Aldie: No
• WEM: If not, has anyone approached you about selling BGG? If so, was Asmodee one of those parties? Do you want to name the interested parties?
• Aldie: Yes, No, No
• WEM: Do you have plans to sell BGG in, say, the next five years?
• Aldie: No
As for BGG being sponsored by Asmodee, I'm not sure what that question means since BGG does not have site sponsors. Companies like Asmodee can advertise on BGG, but I turn off all advertising on the site so that I remain ignorant of who advertises what. Thus, I turned to the person who would know best, BGG ad manager Chad Krizan, and sent him this question: "Does Asmodee advertise on BGG, whether through the main company or its various studios?"
Chad answered: "There's some, but not a lot considering how huge Asmodee is. Asmodee doesn't advertise directly, but a handful of studios do."