WizKids has also signed a deal for HeroClix releases related to The Orville television series. From the announcement: "The first product to release will be a Jumbo Starter Set featuring the main crew, including Captain Ed Mercer, played by actor Seth MacFarlane, along with Commander Kelly Grayson, Dr. Claire Finn, Lt. Alara Kitan, Lt. Gordon Malloy, Lt. Commander Bortus, Lt. Commander John LaMarr, enabling HeroClix players and fans to embark in interstellar combat with their favorite characters."
• IDW Games is working with long-time design team Jay Cormier and Sen-Foong Lim to bring out Men In Black: Undercover, a 3-6 player game due out in May 2019 in which you need to use aliens to advance your own goals:
Which side will come out on top? That's where you come in! Join a team and influence the aliens to join your cause, but make sure you aren't too obvious with your goals. After all, you'll need to stay undercover to win...
"You will not yield."
Embers of Memory: A Throne of Glass Game is a two-player co-operative card game set during the events of Kingdom of Ash. Working together, you must delve into the memories of the young queen and help her face her inner demons before she is overwhelmed. Be warned — each challenge you face is more complex than the last, testing the bond between you and your partner to its limit.
Players will elect leaders for each of the five colors, but only players whose guilds’ color pairs contains the color may be voted for. Each color leader has a special power they can use to further their goals, and players must be careful when voting, as Nicol Bolas’s influence may grow. Once all the color leaders have been elected, a vote is held to eliminate one player. Once the dust has settled, players will reveal their roles, and if the Agents of Bolas were eliminated, the Gatewatch wins.