Turns out that won't be possible since the Ghostbusters license has been trapped and transported to the Containment Unit at the headquarters of Cryptozoic Entertainment, which on February 10, 2015 launched a Kickstarter campaign for Ghostbusters: The Board Game, a title designed and developed by Matt Hyra, Adam Sblendorio and Mataio Wilson in addition to others at Cryptozoic. What's the game about? Here's an overview from the publisher:
Ghostbusters: The Board Game comes with more than forty plastic figures, including the four Ghostbusters, Slimer, Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, Indulnas, and numerous Galloping Ghouls, Gruesome Twosomes and Boogaloo. The game board is created with double-sided modular pieces, increasing the game's replayability for scenarios and customization.