The Gen Con 2018 Preview now has more than six hundred listings on it — and I'm still adding more today and possibly on Tuesday as well — but it's mostly done, with full doneness being possible only after Gen Con ends.
BGG's Gen Con 2018 livestream schedule is now live, detailing the games and publishers you'll see in our booth for the 29 hours that we'll be broadcasting from the show. Again, I'm still waiting for a few RSVPs and we'll undoubtedly shoehorn in a couple of things that we discover on the convention floor, but consider this 98.3% complete, which is how most things get around here.
I've been posting (at minimum) weekly game overview videos on a "Fun and Board Games" channel on YouTube, but I've run out of time to cover as many Gen Con 2018 releases as I would have liked to cover, not to mention hours to play those games a sufficient number of times before I would have felt comfortable covering them.
Still, I had all these games that publishers had sent me in advance and I had played most of them once or twice, so I've put together this video to give quick takes on those games, while also highlighting the Gen Con 2018 titles for which I have done full videos. Man, so much to cover in so little time. I spent at least a half-hour after recording and uploading thinking about how I could have changed the order of the games — I definitely should have started with Blue Lagoon since I was ending with Lost Cities: Rivals and thereby could have sandwiched everything in Knizia — so be it. Better published than perfect and put out a week too late! No time remains except for all the other things that have higher priority!
And let me call out Lost Cities: Rivals as the game I'll have on me at Gen Con 2018 to play over everything else. My first two playings were with auction-averse opponents, so I want more experience with the game to see what it's like with eager players. If I have time in the evenings — and I still need to put in many hours on the SPIEL '18 Preview so that will be ready to go live on Monday, August 6 — then I'd be happy to play it with you should you want to try it out. If not, then I hope you enjoy whatever it is you are doing!