• Alspach also shilled heavily for his One Night Ultimate Vampire, co-designed with Akihisa Okui. That guy is absolutely shameless.
• Thankfully Alspach did have one new Gen Con release to feature on the BGG cameras, thereby somewhat justifying our time in Indianapolis. Here's a ninety-second rundown of Suburbia 5★, the second expansion for the tile-laying game Suburbia.
• Garrick Shurts from Great Northern Games presented a nice overview of Jay Meyer's Noble Treachery: The Last Alliance, which was released at the end of 2014 and therefore new by our standards of not previously being available at Gen Con.
• That said, Shurts also explained the basics of the forthcoming Crowns and Axes, which Great Northern Games plans to Kickstart for a 2016 release. We have only ourselves to blame for such violations of our rules.
• One of the things that we all noticed at Gen Con 2015 was the lack of long games. Everything seemed to top out at sixty minutes — ninety minutes, tops! — and while that's perfect for my tastes, not everyone feels the same way. Thus, The King's Armory from John Wrot! and Gate Keeper Games was a standout with its 120-minute playing time, while also having a solo play option for those who want the option of solitaire play.