• Designer Phil Walker-Harding has a number of releases hitting shelves in 2016, including the Egyptian-themed building game Imhotep from KOSMOS, with players serving as architects who are also tasked with loading materials on transport boats and getting those boats to the building sites. Sounds like Egypt's unions weren't strong as those employee responsibilities should be better delineated...
• When I first looked at the components image for Smugglers from Klaus and Benjamin Teuber, I didn't get how it worked, figuring that I'd need to see the game in action to really understand it. Mission accomplished!
• Kirsten Hiese's Kerala: Der Weg der Elefanten is a tile-placement game in which the elephants themselves tell you where to place the tiles — well, sort of.
• Whatever you feel about the game, I'm excited to have learned about Glupschgeister because it led to interesting discussions about translation issues, both with Katarina from KOSMOS and with Sabine and Emily from AMIGO, the latter of whom was born in Canada, so she drew on her native English language background to pull out "bug-eyed" as a decent translation of "glupsch", although she said that term still wasn't ideal. Even so, I invite everyone to now welcome one another by yelling "Glupschgeister!"
• Gunnar Kuhlencord's 90 Grad has been released in a few editions since its debut in 2000, and now Clemens Gerhards has released a beautiful wood version of the design, but "beautiful wood version" is pretty much synonymous with Clemens Gerhards so that shouldn't be a surprise.
• Italian publisher dV Giochi plans to release an expansion for Michael Palm and Lukas Zach's BANG! The Dice Game in 2016, and as with many expansions these days, BANG! The Dice Game – Old Saloon consists of multiple modules that can be combined with the base game individually or in any combination.