• Other games that Reil demoed for me during Spielwarenmesse 2013 were Martin Nedergaard Andersen's Voodoo Mania, for which holding a microphone is a huge handicap during gameplay:
• Feuer & Flamme, from designers Stefan Dorra and Manfred Reindl, was another title we looked at on the HUCH! stand, and I now regret not taking the game out of the display since we block the impressive display of food bits and spend a fair portion of the demo with our sides or backs to the camera, although this does give you a sweet look at my shirt. I also had the mic pointing away from Katrin's face when she explained that you lose one of your grill chips whenever you drop something on the ground, and you're out of the game should you lose all three chips. Amateur!
• Finally, we have Nada!