Murmak went on to talk about a funky electronic puzzle/game device that CGE will distribute.
• Jason Brenner from Upper Deck Entertainment gave an overview of Legendary: Dark City, which debuted at Origins 2013 and reaches U.S. stores on June 19, 2013. This was actually the second time that Brenner gave me a rundown of the expansion as the audio on our first take was botched. Sigh. During that first take, we opened up a set on camera and ran through several cards, highlighting the new art, going into detail on the teleport ability on Cable and Nightcrawler, and pointing out his debut in the set as the "news reporter" bystander. Yes, when you see the surfer-guy reporter in the video below, you're actually looking at Brenner.
As for teleporting, when you have a card with teleport in your hand, you can choose to set the card aside instead of using it, then add it to your next hand, giving you an additional card to use. With more teleporting, you can bamf additional cards to another location – well, into the future really – and you can keep teleporting them as many times as you wish, ideally letting you use them to maximum impact. If you're an old schooler like me, you can imagine blue fists popping out all over the place as Nightcrawler covers lots of ground simultaneously.
• Chris Cieslik from Asmadi Games provided an overview of Carl Chudyk's Impulse, a quick-playing 4X card game with dozens of special actions that Asmadi plans to release in Q4 2013. As an Innovation fan boy who has already vowed to care for that game and change its sleeves in its old age, I'd just like to say squeeeeee!
• Michael Shinall from Cool Mini Or Not gave an overview of Eric M. Lang's Kaosball: The Fantasy Sport of Total Domination, which is due out before the end of 2013.