Only later did I look at the April 2015 preview of Quadropolis, then known as "City Mania", that I wrote following that one game, and I was surprised to discover that the city tiles were as colorful then as they are now, although the published edition naturally has more polished art. Before playing a review copy four times in the past couple of weeks, I had recalled the game as being fairly abstract in terms of what you did, more abstract than is normal for Days of Wonder — yet here's a comment I wrote on that earlier preview:
I don't know what to conclude from this except that I shouldn't let a single play of a game define my feelings about it for all time since my memory of the game might not match my actual experience of it. (I already discount reviews from those who play a game a single time; now I apparently have to discount my own feelings, too!)
Alternatively, age is making me fuzzy in the wuzzy. (Both of these things can be true, of course.)
In any case, the video below reflects my extemporaneous thoughts on Quadropolis, which are undoubtedly subject to change whether or not I play more in the future...