With all of that mind, I gave Desnet Amane's League of Hackers from his own Moaideas Game Design a try to see whether it could live up to such accurate depictions of computerized nefariousness:
You have certainly read many designer diaries. As the publisher of Colt Express, we were tempted to follow the same exercise but from a different point of view. We would like to share with you...
Not every game is for every player, whether due to the playing time required or the complexity of the rules or a certain opponent's loathing of blind bidding or a game designer's determination to...
Everything old is new again, the saying goes, and while we as gamers might first think of Android: Netrunner or Fire & Axe as living examples of this saying — games that have returned from...
I'm very proud of Planes — a 2-4 player game that has you pushing your way through a crowded airport to reach your plane before takeoff — and I invite you to take a short hop to the past with...
Each year my most challenging game is a solitaire design titled "Include all of the new games that will appear at Spiel in my convention preview", and it's a game that I lose over and over again....