Thanks to gaming partner Louise Le Roy for the assist.
Okay, I'm back with round two of game preview videos recorded at ACD Games Day 2013, which was held in Madison, Wisconsin April 3-5, 2013.In my first round-up, I mentioned that Thursday was the...
In this video not only do I give an overview of and an explanation of how to play Jeff Glickman's AttrAction – which U.S. publisher R&R Games debuted at Spiel 2012 and released on the market in...
In early April 2013 I attended ACD Games Day 2013, organized and run by U.S. game distributor ACD Distribution.Why? After travel burnout from a whirlwind trip to Nürnberg, Germany at the end of...
• Pandasaurus Games has announced that it will release Yedo from designers Thomas Vande Ginste and Wolf Plancke in the U.S., and while Pandasaurus' first three releases (reprints of Tammany...
• In an April 1, 2013 post about Ted Alspach's card game You Suck, I included this line: "At a game design conference years ago, Alan Moon told me that every designer has a trick-taking game...