• We'll start with designer Andrew Parks giving an overview of Core Worlds, and how Core Worlds: Galactic Orders, due out November 2012 from Stronghold Games, adds to the setting and game play.
• Next we have an early look at Cryptozoic Entertainment's DC Comics Deck-Building Game, due out Sept./Oct. 2012, with someone who looks like a superhero in training giving an overview of the game.
• Publisher Wishing Tree Games was showing a prototype of Zombiepocalypse: NYC, a game which WTG's Brent Cunningham says is still in development as the company looks for an artist to complete material on its hoped-for schedule. Thus, my reference to a stretch goal now makes no sense as the Kickstarter project related to the game has been cancelled for now while the art dilemma is solved. A special guest designer drops in...
• Finally for now, here's a video ostensibly about Ascension: Immortal Heroes that veered into an overview of SolForge, the big digital collectible game that designer Justin Gary and his Gary Games is doing with Richard Garfield. Phooey on me for not noticing how little we talked about Immortal Heroes. A lesson for me next time I do this...