In Costa Rica, designed by Matthew Dunstan and Brett J. Gilbert and publisher by Lookout Games and Mayfair Games, players want to collect lots of animals of a single type (in order to maximize their score for that type of animal) while also collecting at least one of every animal (to score a bonus for variety). Each turn when you're the active player, you have a choice of taking something or passing — but if you pass, someone else in the same expedition party might take the goods instead. Sometimes you want them to do this, so you're reading the other players as well as the table, trying to figure out what they might do on their turns and whether you might be able to profit from them — or whether you can cut them off at the knees first.
The video below covers both the nature of gameplay as well as my efforts to reclaim a bit of shelf space while still having room for Costa Rica in my collection. The images below show the before-and-after of this restoration project.
In the video, I start talking about the box size at 9:38, with the box cutting itself starting at 12:40 should you want only a lesson on how to do this for yourself.