In theory, you're trying to deliver flowers to as many customers as possible in Bloom, but in practice you don't care about satisfying the customers as much as getting rid of flowers as quickly as possible, whether or not the customer gets the flower they hoped to bring home. Your business comes first!
Players draft dice each round to remove flowers from their individual player sheet, with the game including sheets in five different designs so that everyone starts from a different layout. You're rewarded for being the first (or second or third) to rid yourself of a particular color of flower — good for your marketing efforts, I suppose — and you also want to empty out flowerbeds (which contain multiple colors of flowers) so that you can plant them anew, although that's an outside-the-game activity that serves only to explain why you'd be rewarded for doing something in-game.
Bloom also contains solitaire rules that function somewhat like the multiplayer rules, although you'll likely miss the "ha ha, you really wanted this die, didn't you?" moments of the regular game.