Now Funforge has revealed a smidge more info: a Kickstarter launch date of March 7, 2022, the briefest of descriptions — "In this spinoff series based on the Far Cry universe, Funforge takes you back to the 1980s for an explosive co-op tabletop adventure!" — and this promotional image:
Oh, wait — we do have this pic of a promo game being played at SPIEL '21 courtesy of BGG's Beth Heile, who snapped it while rushing from one booth to another:
• Another video game making the jump to tabletop is Deep Rock Galactic, this being a first-person shooter from Danish studio Ghost Ship Games. The adaptation of this design — Deep Rock Galactic: The Board Game — is being produced in country thanks to Danish designer Ole Steiness and Danish designer MOOD Publishing.
Here's an overview of this 1-4 player game:
Players move around the board while throwing dice to fight monsters and mine rare minerals in order to escape in time with the required amount of minerals needed to win the current mission.
• Yet another video-to-tabletop adaptation comes courtesy of U.S. publisher Level 99 Games, which has announced that the next license tie-in for its Exceed Fighting System game line will be Under Night In-Birth, a title that might appear to be a random association of words, but which is in fact a fighting game.
To quote the Level 99 press release:
In the card game, players will be able to choose from a roster of Under Night In-Birth's nineteen original fighters, each with their own complete deck of cards, special abilities, and fighting style based upon the video games. Players duel on a linear stage, trading attacks in a fast-paced battle until only one remains standing.
The Under Night In-Birth card game is part of Level 99 Games's Exceed Fighting System, which allows fighters from various video game universes to battle one another. Other entries in the series introduce fighters from BlazBlue, Street Fighter, Shovel Knight, and Dead Cells. All of the games are cross-compatible.
"The Under Night In-Birth card game is a fun new way to experience the series for fans of both video and tabletop games," said D. Brad Talton Jr, the designer behind the fighters. "We've built this latest Exceed season to be accessible for new duelists and novel for veterans. As fans of Under Night ourselves, we've paid great attention to detail, and we know other fans will find a lot to love in these games."
The line will consist of 5 core products, one featuring 2 fighters, and four more featuring 4 fighters each, all starter sets which new players can use to jump right into the game. An additional single-fighter expansion box features Londrekia, the last fighter added to the video game with the release of Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r].