• Following the release of Glory Islands in March 2022, the company is giving you another chance to play pirate in Morgan's Magic Map, an October 2022 release by first-time designer Gian Andrea Cappuzzo.
Morgan's Magic Map won the Premio Archimede, an Italian game design award, in 2018 under the name "JAP", which stands for "Just Another Pirate Game". Here's an overview of this 2-4 player game:
You have come into possession of many pieces of Morgan's map. Every time the fragments are rearranged, they magically point to the right place to dig! But other pirates have found parts of the magic map as well, so now you must race your fellow pirates to see who can collect the most valuable treasures before the map fades to dust forever.
Morgan's Magic Map is played over a series of turns in which players use map cards to locate where Captain Morgan has hidden his treasures. To set up, place the twenty map tiles in a 4x5 grid, with water and land edges always being adjacent to one another. Most map tiles include a reference point, such as The Tomb, The 3 Columns, or Big Nose Bay. Each player starts with two doubloons and four map cards in hand; each map card shows a reference point, a distance from the reference point, and a bonus icon.
On a turn, you can take a map tile that has a free edge and move it elsewhere, as long as the map stays in one piece, water touches water, and no pirate is on the tile. Next, you can move your pirate — which starts in a corner of the map — up to two spaces orthogonally. Then if you meet the condition on any map cards in hand, you can play them since you've followed their directions to find treasure. If, for example, a map card shows The Tomb and has a 3 on it, then you can play that map card if you are three (orthogonal) spaces away from The Tomb. Treasure cards come in six colors, and five cards are available on a treasure board, with the more valuable cards being deeper on the board. If you play three map cards on a turn, then you can take any one of the topmost three cards. The deeper you dig, the more doubloons you earn along with the treasure!
Each map card has a bonus on it, and once you've played a map card, you keep it in front of you until you use the bonus, whether to move an extra map tile, walk farther with your pirate, or dig deeper when you locate treasure.
Once the deck of treasure cards is exhausted, the game ends. For each of the six treasure types, whoever has the most of that type earns a 6 doubloon bonus, with tied players splitting the bonus. Sum up the doubloons you collected during the game, bonuses, and the value of the treasures themselves to see who ended up the richest pirate.
Rio Grande Games is now bringing an updated version of this design to print in October 2022 as Twisty Tracks. Let's get an overview of this 1-4 player game:
Each player has their own playing area that consists of a cardboard frame that depicts stations, loops of train track, and four train depots. Place a wooden train on each depot, and shuffle face down your personal stack of fifteen track tiles. On a turn, each player draws a tile, then places it somewhere in their frame so that they can advance at least one of their trains along the track. When you advance a train, you score 1 point each time it crosses the border between two tiles or between a tile and the frame. Try to send trains on long loopy journeys to score lots of points!
If a train reaches one of the seven stations on the frame, you receive the highest value for this station that hasn't yet been claimed. Wait too long, and you risk scoring nothing. If two of your trains collide while moving on freshly laid tracks, you score points for the borders they've crossed, then remove them from play. When all four of your trains have reached stations or been removed, stop placing tiles.
Once all players' trains have stopped moving, the game ends, and whoever has scored the most points wins. In a tie, the tied player who placed more tiles wins. For an easier game, you can play with only the station scoring or only the border scoring.
• The other revised title is Dominion: Hinterlands (Second Edition), due out in July 2022, with this Donald X. Vaccarino design containing nine new types of Kingdom cards, similar to how other second edition Dominion titles have been released.
For those who have the original Dominion: Hinterlands, these new cards will be released on their own as Dominion: Hinterlands – Update Pack.