• Caper: Europe from designer Unai Rubio and publisher Keymaster Games hit U.S. retail outlets in early March 2022. In the game, you compete against another criminal mastermind to try to do a better job of thieving with your team than they do with theirs.
The Kickstarter campaign for Caper: Europe had included an unrelated bluffing-based card game from Mattox Shuler called Old Bill, and I feel compelled to mention this release mostly due to my delight at saying "Old Bill" over and over. It's no "cellar door", but the phrase still hits nicely.
At GAMA Expo 2022, Keymaster Games also showed off PARKS: Wildlife, an expansion for PARKS from Henry Audubon and Mattox Shuler that's due out in Q3 2022 and that features, in the words of Keymaster's Jennifer Graham-Macht, "lots of little things". In more detail, you'll find new trail sites, new gear, fresh canteens, more season cards, and "a large wandering bison that moves along the park cards and grants bonuses to the players who visit those parks". Clearly that bison should be named "Old Bill".
• U.S. publisher Pencil First Games showed off Maul Peak, a two-player asymmetrical tactical combat game from designers Eduardo Baraf and Keith Matejka that is a standalone sequel to 2019's Skulk Hollow, with which it can be integrated. This game will launch on Kickstarter on April 5, 2022 ahead of a planned retail release in Q1 2023, and in slightly more detail:
Pencil First's flip-and-write game Delicious from Baraf and Steve Finn is due out in June/July 2022, and I foolishly forgot to take a pic of the game stack of Delicious, Floriferous, Herbaceous, Herbaceous Sprouts, and The Whatnot Cabinet, which is possibly the most chill game stack you could ever hope to see. I suppose that I was so chill that my mind dissolved until I moved on to the next table and got punched in the eyes by more traditional game graphics.
• Wonderland's War from designers Tim Eisner, Ben Eisner, and Ian Moss and publishers Druid City Games and Skybound Games is due to hit retail outlets in April 2022.
In this 2-5 player game, you travel around the table at the Mad Hatter's tea party drafting cards to gather forces, build towers, upgrade your leader, and recruit Wonderlandians to your cause, and once the plates are empty, the battle begins, with players competing to earn points over three rounds by claiming region bonuses or winning in battle.
• Isaac Childres' Frosthaven from Cephalofair Games should be a candidate in a "guess my weight" contest. The box is giant, yes, but it seems to be filled with sand because it was unexpectedly weighty.
A Cephalofair representative whose name I forgot to note said that printing is imminent, with shipping scheduled for mid-May 2022 and Kickstarter fulfillment ideally happening in September 2022. As always, anticipate that dates for all things might change due to a piece of the Moon falling into the ocean or some other unexpected event.