The biggest reveal each year at Gen Con is the Fantasy Flight Games In-Flight report. Due to technical issues, FFG could not go live with the report as planned on Wednesday evening, instead publishing a recording of the report on Twitch and YouTube. Aside from gobs of new figures and ships for Star Wars: Legion (Clone Wars-era expansions summarized here), Star Wars: X-Wing (six expansions detailed here), and Star Wars: Armada (summary posts here, here, and here), FFG has a couple of big boxes on the way, such as Dane Beltrami's Prophecy of Kings expansion for Twilight Imperium (Fourth Edition), which is due out in November 2020, bears a $100 MSRP, and has this description:
But that's only a fraction of what you'll find in this expansion! Adding even more flavor to your chosen species, a wealth of unique leader cards arrive to support every faction in the game, giving you powers to unlock during the game. Lumbering mechs stomp onto the battlefield as powerful new ground forces with unique special abilities for every faction. As you venture into the unknown regions of space, brand-new exploration decks seed new planets and the void of space with new discoveries, including fragments you can combine to create awe-inspiring relics. On top of this, Prophecy of Kings includes new action cards, agenda cards, objectives, technologies, promissory notes, legendary planets, and more.
Each Dark Tidings deck also includes a high/low tide card. The card starts the game out of play, but eventually one player will bring it into play, especially since some cards in Dark Tidings can carry out their effects — or have a massively larger effect — when the high tide is on that player's side. Many effects can raise the tide, but if they're not available, the player with low tide can always suffer three chains to turn the tide in their favor.
Dark Tidings also features the debut of "evil twin decks", a new type of deck. For example, you may open a deck that's entitled "Speaker Domitia's Evil Twin". This deck is an exact copy of "Speaker Domitia", a real deck that has been printed and can be found by another player out in the world. The crucial difference is that in an evil twin deck, many of your creatures look a little different. Specifically, in Dark Tidings, many creatures have evil twin variants, and if you find an evil twin deck, every creature with an evil twin variant appears in that form. These evil twin creatures feature new artwork, graphic design, and abilities, making them a significant departure from the original creature.
Aside from these expansion, FFG will release the standalone game X-Men: Mutant Insurrection from designers Richard Launius and Brandon Perdue in Q1 2021. An overview:
X-Men: Mutant Insurrection invites you to travel the globe on death-defying missions to recruit new mutants, capture criminals, protect innocent lives, and battle some of the most memorable X-Men supervillains. Eight distinct scenarios await you and your X-Men, each with their own challenges and each leading to a no-holds-barred showdown against the villain. The Blackbird is ready to launch — join your team and fight for the future!
The final big item from FFG's In-Flight report was a last-second tease of Descent: Legends of the Dark, a title that was inadvertently leaked in early July 2020. This title from in-house developers Kara Centell-Dunk and Nathan Hajek — who have worked on many expansions for Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) — carries an "Act 1" logo in the lower-right corner and comes packaged in what appears to be a cube-sized box that's about twelve inches on each side. Now that's how you leave an audience wanting more!