Standalone games
• Deadwood
• Red November (new edition in a larger box that no longer resembles the squishedness of the game's setting)
• Rune Age
• Ventura
Expansions for LCGs
• A Game of Thrones: The Card Game - Mask of the Archmaester
• Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game - Spawn of Madness
• Lord of the Rings: The Card Game - A Journey to Rhosgobel
• Warhammer Invasion: Fiery Dawn
Ventura is the real surprise in this batch of releases as I thought the game had been buried in the sands of time. Here's what I had written about the game in my Spiel 2008(!) report for BoardgameNews.com:
Of course FFG has already announced a few more new releases in the past ten days, such as The Adventurers: The Pyramid of Horus (announcement), a free variant for Cadwallon: City of Thieves called "A Gamble in the Dark" (PDF) and more expansion packs for the various LCGs. Expect to see most of these items announced as August 2011 releases in the next few weeks.