Star Wars: The Card Game, from Nate French and Corey Konieczka, is a cooperative card game in which 1-2 players controlling Rebel forces try to defeat Imperial missions run by a randomized Imperial encounter deck specific to whatever mission they are attempting. With a second base set of 200+ cards, the game can be played by up to four players. Star Wars: The Card Game is a Living Card Game system – one of several from FFG and the second cooperative one after The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game – and Fantasy Flight plans to release monthly 60-card Force Packs to provide new missions, new characters, and more.
X-Wing is a tactical ship-to-ship combat game with detailed painted miniatures for two players, one controlling the Rebel X-Wings and the other the Imperial TIE fighters.
The news announcement mentions that Fantasy Flight Games will "be announcing additional Star Wars card, roleplaying, and miniatures games in the coming months" and as a number of BGG users have already pointed out, this wording specifically seems to preclude the release of any board games using the Star Wars material.