So far we have only a brief description from eggertspiele of this Gen Con 2020 release:
• The second eggertspiele title is Era: Medieval Age Expansion, which as the name suggests is an expansion for Matt Leacock's Era: Medieval Age.
This expansion, which is also scheduled to debut at Gen Con 2020, contains roads and rivers to connect domains to the outside world; new structures that will require new strategies; a new disaster to inspire curses directed at Leacock; and four scenarios to help you become familiar with the new gameplay mechanisms.
• When Plan B Games acquired eggertspiele in 2017, Spielbox noted that "Eggertspiele founder Peter Eggert intends to actively contribute to the development and distribution of new games for three more years."
Those three years have expired, and now Eggert — along with former eggertspielers Philipp El Alaoui and Viktor Kobilke — have joined with Matthias Nagy of Frosted Games (where Kobilke works as a developer) and Karsten Esser and Andreas Finkernagel of Pegasus Spiele to form a new games publisher: Deep Print Games, which will be located in Berlin, Germany. Deep Print's first release will be Renature, an area-control game with dominoes from Wolfgang Kramer and Michael Kiesling that will debut at SPIEL '20 in October.
Here's a bit about the company from the publisher's website:
The focus will be on impressive games, as Viktor Kobilke explains: "We don't want to limit ourselves by categories, but rather, through dedicated editing, realize great game ideas from well-known and new designers in such a way that they offer unique game experiences and leave a lasting impression."