Here's an overview of Colt Express: 2 Trains & 1 Mission, with this expansion that's due out in 2022 being for 3-9 players:
This expansion introduces a new 3D train with special cars, two new bandits (Misty and the Twinz, each with new powers), a double team mode with the possibility of betraying your team or not, and an AI Bandit, Il Professore, to allow you to play with an odd number of players and a new action card to nudge a bandit from your team.
• Ahead of this release, Ludonaute will package the Colt Express base game and the two larger expansions — Horses & Stagecoach, and Marshal & Prisoners — into Colt Express: BIG BOX, with this item also including a new bandit — Silk — that will be available later from the publisher's web shop.
• Another title in the works from Ludonaute is Precognition, a game in which you and your fellow mutants travel in ships down a river, rescuing humans to help you. Different parts of the ship unlock different abilities for the mutants, e.g., parking a mutant in the medbay allows you to heal humans.
• Also, Ludonaute is revamping The Little Prince: Make Me a Planet from Antoine Bauza and Bruno Cathala for release as 1001 Islands in the first half of 2022.
As the publisher explained to Beth, they no longer have the license to the book IP, but the game remains popular, so they're tightening the rules involving scoring and getting new art from Marie Cardouat for this new setting that will put the game on the market again.
Here is a sampling of Ludonaute's testing regimen from mid-2021:
☀️[EN] Last week office, testing 1001 Islands: a 2022 game of @BDMontagnes and @Toinito. We love this kind of working day.
— Ludonaute (@ludonaute) July 12, 2021
☀️[FR] Au "bureau" la semaine dernière, en train de tester 1001 îles, un jeu de @BDMontagnes et @Toinito qui sortira en 2022. On adore ce genre de journée ! pic.twitter.com/Sohb9l00RG