But now the publisher has made everything official, announcing that Five Tribes, which retails for $60/€54, will debut at Gen Con 2014 in August in limited quantities, then be available at retail outlets everywhere in September 2014. I was able to play the Five Tribes prototype once at a convention, and here's an overview of how the game plays, should you not care to listen to Monsieur Cathala describe it himself in the video above:
At the end of the game, players score points from cash on hand, tiles and djinn owned, sets of goods collected, viziers in your service, and more. Money is required for turn order bidding and goods acquisition, although you can also acquire goods (which includes slaves as well as more common goods like gold) via merchants, and the slaves help you power certain djinn actions or gain more money through the use of architects. Everything seems tangled together as every meeple you drop during your turn can affect which actions — both meeple and tile — are available in subsequent turns.
As befitting a Days of Wonder game, the rules are straightforward and easy to learn — but devising a winning strategy will take a more calculated approach than our standard fare. You need to carefully consider what moves can score you well and put your opponents at a disadvantage. You need to weigh many different pathways to victory, including the summoning of powerful Djinns that may help your cause as you attempt to control this legendary Sultanate.