• Do Germans know Thunderbirds the way that those in the UK know Thunderbirds? Modiphius Entertainment is field-testing this question by running a crowdfunding campaign for a German-language edition of Matt Leacock's Thunderbirds. (Spieleschmiede link)
• Vehicle miniatures are also present in Ogre Miniatures Set 1 from Steve Jackson Games, with these figures being to scale for both the Ogre Designer’s Edition and the upcoming Ogre Sixth Edition, with the latter item being something you can pick up via this crowdfunding project. (KS link)
• Błażej Kubacki and NSKN Games are revisiting the Mistfall universe with Shadowscape, which pulls the heroes from that earlier game and the standalone sequel Heart of the Mists into a dungeon crawler that has you doing the things one normally does when crawling dungeons. (KS link)
• Do you know that Vital Lacerda's Lisboa is available for preorder on KS? Do you need to know what Lisboa is about, or is the mention of its potential future existence enough for you? Eagle-Gryphon Games has partnered with publishers in Europe, Asia, and South America to hold multiple simultaneous crowdfunding projects, but you'll have to uncover the links for those projects yourself as EGG has mostly forgotten to include them in their own project. (KS link)
• Under a separate Kickstarter account — strangely one used for two previous Vital Lacerda projects — Eagle-Gryphon Games is attempting to fund a new edition of Hisashi Hayashi's Isaribi, which he originally self-published through OKAZU Brand in 2014. The game depicts life in a fishing village three hundred years ago when everyone had a goal that still resonates with most people today: Make the most money. (KS link)
• Another game coming back for a second edition is Backpacks & Blisters, a Ragnar Brothers production that dates back nearly a quarter-century and which exists in a revamped design, although your goal is still to walk the Lake District in England looking at stuff and collecting points. (KS link)
• Staying in the UK, Richard Breese's Keyper — his planned SPIEL 2017 release — is on Kickstarter now since the project includes an option of special characters for the game that won't be available in the general release. In general, Keyper is a worker placement game in which you can take actions with your own workers to develop your personal village when other players choose to use their own workers in their village. Seems like a puppet-master theme might have been appropriate here, but that's not in Breese's wheelhouse... (KS link)
• To continue the crowdfunding run of old-time publishers, we have StrataMax Games with a playmat for the solitaire game Airborne Commander from Aaron Lauster, not to mention copies of the game itself given that it makes no sense to market a playmat without having something to play on said mat. (KS link)
• Robots Love Ice Cream is an app about robots who invade planets to satisfy their love, so naturally Robots Love Ice Cream: The Card Game from Chad Elkins and 25th Century Games is about the same thing, but in a format suitable for your tabletop. This project ran short of a $15k goal in late 2014, but is back again with closer goalposts this time. (KS link)
• Robin Red Games is coasting toward its goal of a new version of Rebekah Bissell's Reindeer Races, now under the name Courses De Rennes, with players using their team of four reindeer to race not toward a finish line, but toward high-scoring tiles. (KissKissBankBank link)
• Douglas Morse, director of The Next Great American Game, has used the information and pics that he took while making that documentary and combined with yet more information and pics to put together Wizards of the Tabletop: Portraits of Game Designers & Accomplices, a coffee table book featuring designers, publishers, and others in the game industry. The pic of Matt Leacock standing on the Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 game board is especially nice. (Disclosure: I'm in the background of a pic that features BGG owner Scott Alden. You are welcome to use my presence as an excuse should you need one not to buy this book.) (KS link)
• Mark K. Swanson's Feudum from Odd Bird Games has a great look to it, with artwork apparently from the love child of Rick Geary and Bernie Mireault. The gameplay itself seems to run along more familiar lines, but it's racked up three times its $50k goal at this point, so perhaps others are seeing something I'm not. (KS link)
Editor's note: Please don't post links to other Kickstarter projects in the comments section. Write to me via the email address in the header, and I'll consider them for inclusion in a future crowdfunding round-up. Thanks! —WEM