Vincent Dutrait's artwork is one of the highlights of this game, with him depicting 180 objects you can collect and more than three hundred illustrations overall. (KS link)
• To look at the other side of the collecting coin, you can check out Museum Rush from Rhys ap Gwyn and Room 17 Games, with you being a thief who's trying to loot the most valuable stuff from a museum while misdirecting guards at your fellow thieves. (KS link)
• Kill the Unicorns from Cyril Besnard, Loïc Chorvot, Alain Fondrille, and Morning is another title that I first saw at Gen Con 2016, with BGG even recording an overview video of the game at that show, a video that no longer seems representative of the game to be. Such is the convention life sometimes. Now you and 2-5 other players bid blindly to capture unicorns (and avoid the pigicorn) in order to clear the kingdom of their pesky, gassy selves. (KS link)
• In Babis Giannios' Galactic Warlords: Battle for Dominion from Archona Games, you get to be one of the warlords in question, with you hiring mercenaries and deploying defense systems to take control of different parts of the galaxy. (KS link)
• In Christophe Boelinger's Living Planet from Lumberjacks Studio, 2-4 players arrive on a new world and set out to exploit it, but the planet will respond with cataclysms based on what you do. (KS link)
• You can screw up a world in an entirely different way in Human Era from Jake Given, Zach Given, and Lay Waste Games, with 4-10 players aboard the last
existing time machine and tasked with repairing the disintegrating space-time continuum — unless you're a machine, of course, as then you're delighted at the idea of humanity being gone and having the entire universe to yourself. Cyborgs, being half-human and half-machine, tend to play on both sides of the net as they have their own goals to achieve. (KS link)
• Mike Gnade of Rock Manor Games debuted the steampunk deck-building game Brass Empire at Gen Con 2016, and now he's trying to fund the Brass Empire: New Canton expansion for release in late 2018, an expansion that includes legacy-style (yet non-destructive) hero decks that let you evolve the hero over the course of a huge 12-hour campaign. (KS link)
• You can also find the steampunk aesthetic throughout the card game Gearworks by Kirk Dennison and PieceKeeper Games, which features the standard steampunkian goal of you assembling parts into a working machine. (KS link)
• Ragnar Brothers has returned to Kickstarter for a second go at Darien Apocalypse, a cooperative game from the usual team of Dicken, Kendall and Kendall in which you attempt to hold off the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse on four alternative worlds. If you don't want to share the glory of being savior of humanity, you can instead play competitively. (KS link)
• Raentikgames describes Andoria Battlefields from Wisam El-Rachid and Al Vice as a drafting, area-control, dice-combat-based battle-race game in which players represent both heroes and monsters and use those two forces to fight against those of the opponents. (KS link)
• You also get to play both sides of a battle in The Convergents from Jonny Hinkle, Billy Miller, and IION Games in which two players use super-powered heroes and villains to square off against one another. (KS link)
• Emmanuel Aquin's D-Day Dice, which fell into a hole when original publisher Valley Games vanished and stopped supporting it, will be released in a second edition courtesy of Word Forge Games, with tens of stretch goals and expansions already achieved or available for purchase as part of the KS campaign. (KS link)
• Want to back a Korean-only game from Gary Kim and Yeon-Min Jung? You can back 우리사이느은: The Card Game only through November 29, 2017, so hop to it, then submit a listing to the BGG database once it arrives in your mailbox so that we can all find out what it's like. (Tumblbug link)
Editor's note: Please don't post links to other Kickstarter projects in the comments section. Write to me via the email address in the header, and I'll consider them for inclusion in a future crowdfunding round-up. Thanks! —WEM