• Vincent Burger and PixieGames have created Tunhell, which has dwarves trying to amass treasures by exploring infernal tunnels. (KS link)
• JurassAttack! is the latest quick-playing offering from Green Couch Games, with Ryan Cowler being the designer of this dinosaur-battle card game. (KS link)
• Evil Genius: Deathray is the debut design from Vile Genius Games and designers Brad Culbertson and Mark Sierens, and as you might expect, you must assemble deathrays and other weapons of mass comical destruction. (KS link)
• Chris James of Stratus Games is raising funds for the fourth year of Casual Games Insider, a newsstand magazine that aims to present casual modern games to a mainstream audience. If you're not familiar with CGI, you can download the Summer 2015 issue as a sample. (KS link)
• Cargo: Dead in the Water from newcomer Cheese Block Games and designers Chad Kosokowsky and David Molesky is a pick-up and delivery game based on Atlantic trade in the 17th century. (KS link)
• Royce Banuelos' self-published Pigskin is a card-drafting game in which you put together a new team on the field each quarter, drafting five players, then playing four to try to put some points on the board. (KS link)
• Odd Hackwelder's Pride from his own Hacko Games is a corner case in the database akin to his Monster Deck 55 from 2014 in that Pride is a card deck system and not a single game. I've chatted with Hack a few times at conventions and online, and his mind is exploding in a hundred directions at once with games and game system possibilities like this one, which he said was inspired by the late June 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision on marriage equality. As he wrote in the Pride description, "There are many different games you can play with pride." (KS link)
• Sami Laakso' Dale of Merchants from Snowdale Design confuses me each time I see the name because I can't help but think of Dale Yu, editor of Opinionated Gamers, developer of many games, and former columnist on Boardgame News, which I edited for four years. "What's Dale doing in this game?" I wonder. Turns out the Dale in question is a town, and the player merchants are trading amongst one another to compete for a spot in the town's merchant guild. (KS link)
• Lost Battalion Games has cleared the bar for Rally Round the Flag, which it labels the final game design from S. Craig Taylor, Jr., who died in 2012. This design covers the battle of Gettysburg during the American Civil War, and it lacks a BGG game listing should you feel the urge to create one. (KS link)
• Michael Benkendorf's second edition of Abriss from Spiellabor, which first appeared in 2009, deals with building demolition, and players compete to see who can demolish the most valuable property. (KS link)
• Stac is a two-player abstract strategy design from Daniel Isom and Simple Design Publishing in which players move their tokens like rooks on a small board to create and claim stacks. (KS link)
• The ePawn Arena is not a board game as such, but instead it's a flexible surface with embedded technology that allows for real-time feedback from movable pieces on top of it, and one of the games that can be played using this technology is Ares Games' Wings of Glory, as can be seen in the video below. The video on the ePawn Arena KS page explains the details of the technology and features in more details. (KS link)
Editor's note: Please don't post links to other Kickstarter projects in the comments section. Write to me via the email address in the header, and I'll consider them for inclusion in a future crowdfunding round-up. Thanks! —WEM