• Spires from T. C. Petty, III and Nevermore Games has you collecting cards that feature the same, while trying not to collect more than three cards in any suit since that tanks your score for the suit in question. (KS link)
• Cobras from Chris Zinsli, Suzanne Zinsli, and Cardboard Edison belongs in the category of trick-taking games in which both winning and losing tricks can be a good thing. You want to lose in order to collect cobras on the cards played during a trick and win to convert those collected cobras into points. The challenge, of course, is that you can't always control when you do what! (KS link)
• Craig Stern's True Messiah from Sinister Design is, to quote the Kickstarter page, a "strategy game of surreal religious horror", a "fever dream of deck-building, board control, and tactics: Dali meets Dune". Your first step during set-up: Choose your messiah. (KS link)
• In The End Is Nigh from Bennett, Chaney, Schirmer and Mystic Ape Games, players need to weed out the cultists from the refugees who are trying to enter your bunker before an asteroid strikes Earth and wipes out nearly all life. Coincidentally the end of the c.f. project is also nigh. (KS link)
• Another project nearly wrapped is Jason Slingerland's Unreal Estate from Grand Gamers Guild. Each round players draft fantasy buildings or play one or more cards from hand. Anything undrafted is placed in the scrap pile, and players score for played cards based on how many copies are in the scrap pile, after which all of those cards are removed, so timing is key. (KS link)
• Matt Leacock's Chariot Race debuted at SPIEL 2016 from Pegasus Spiele, and now Eagle-Gryphon Games is bringing the title to the U.S. and Canada. (Licensing restrictions, I'm sure.) I'd offer an opinion on gameplay, but I read the rules late at night at SPIEL, then decided I'd better go to sleep since I'd be on camera the next day. Priorities! (KS link)
• To continue with games from known designers, the second title likely to be coming from Kids Table BG is Scott Almes' Problem Picnic: Attack of the Ants, in which you use ant dice to snatch food, then place it in arrangements that will please the queen. (KS link)
• Steve Finn is funding the "steampunk worker-placement crossword game" C.O.G. from his own Dr. Finn's Games. Spell words to collect resources and score! (KS link)
• Valeria: Card Kingdoms – Flames and Frost from Isaias Vallejo and Daily Magic Games adds more monsters, citizens, and domains to the Valeria: Card Kingdoms base game. (KS link)
• Illimat originated in 2009 when the band The Decemberists created a mystery game to be used as a prop in a photoshoot, but now Gloom designer Keith Baker has made it into an actual thing — similar to how James Ernest brought Tak to life — and Twogether Studios is releasing this hand-management, set-collection game that uses the box to change seasons during play. (KS link)
• The Hackers Guild from Raymond Northcott and Games by Ray is a futuristic one vs. many design of "freedom fighters" trying to bring down a robot-run government. (KS link)
• James Taylor's Special Committee is a kind of political Coup, with players having two secret U.S. Senators under their control and trying to pass legislation that benefits these Senators with others being able to figure out who those people are. (KS link)
• Pretending to Grownup from Jason Anarchy and Wiseman Innovation sounds like another take on Top Trumps, with players comparing cards that feature values for time, money and energy to see who wins. (KS link)
• In the realms of silly extras, Minion Games has a set of seven giant squishable foam dice. (KS link)
Editor's note: Please don't post links to other Kickstarter projects in the comments section. Write to me via the email address in the header, and I'll consider them for inclusion in a future crowdfunding round-up. Thanks! —WEM