• L4 Studios and Mr. B Games are attempting to fund a fifth-player expansion for Glenn Drover's WarQuest so that more people can get beaten down in Myrathia. (KS link)
• Fighting of a different type takes place in Jonny Hinkle's Battle for the Universe, which is not actually a universal-scale battle but rather a two-player superhero fighting game, with the base game coming with four preconstructed decks. (KS link)
• Battle in Reiner Knizia's Khan of Khans from Chaosium takes the genteel form of cattle-rustling, with players digging into ten tiny decks of cards to nab the best steer and safely corral them for scoring later. (KS link)
• Quentin Forestier's Love Season, "a card game about little bunnies' love affairs" first released in 2014, is on Kickstarter for another printing. The game aims to recreate the spirit of an old Warner Brothers cartoon, with girl bunnies throwing themselves (via opponents) at you to keep you from doing all the important things that a boy bunny needs to do. (KS link)
• Similarly, Jeremy Galilee has resurrected Go With the Flow, first released in 2011, as Pirate Shipwreck, with players flipping tiles to search for treasure, as pirates are known to do. (KS link)
• Dark Is The Night from Abbott, Boyer, Estill and APE Games is a two-player game of hunt or be hunted with something circling a campfire to nosh on the hunter trying to rest there. (KS link)
• Designer John Clowdus of Small Box Games is reprinting the Omega Edition of Omen: A Reign of War, his most successful title and one he's added to with bits and pieces since its debut in 2011. As far as I know, this gives you everything in one go, with metal coins to boot. (KS link)
• Tim Pinder's Sub Terra from Inside the Box Board Games throws 1-6 people in a series of caves, then asks them to explore the subterranean network to find a way out before the hazard deck runs out of cards and everyone dies. Multiple expansions exist to put new twists on the ways you can die. (KS link)
• Tao Long: The Way of the Dragon from Dox Lucchin, Pedro Latro and ThunderGryph Games has blown up on Kickstarter in the surprising way that abstract strategy games (Tak, Santorini) sometimes do. In this game, each player manipulates stones on an action track to enable movement of their dragon on the board, ideally chomping on the opponent or blasting it with fire in order to remove its body parts and win the game. (KS link)
• SPIN.a.4 is "a multi-player board game simulating real-life cricket play" from Ken Interactive (KS link) with the project bearing this description of the publisher and game:
Ken is in the process of launching a statistically validated Board Game of Cricket, stimulating your cricket strategy with an element of fun. The game can rightly be defined as the "Chess of Cricket".
Editor's note: Please don't post links to other Kickstarter projects in the comments section. Write to me via the email address in the header, and I'll consider them for inclusion in a future crowdfunding round-up. Thanks! —WEM