• To continue our trip through human history, we jump to Enemies of Rome from Grant Wylie, Mike Wylie, and Worthington Publishing, which allows you to relive six hundred years of history in a couple of hours, with players leading Roman legions around Europe, northern Africa, and the Middle East to become Caesar and have people eat salads in your honor. (KS link)
• Paul Ali's Capere from Playford Games offers a far different take on the topic of Roman legions, presenting a seeming abstract strategy game that is actually driven by random card draws that determine the movement and abilities of your pieces, with you trying to capture opponents or reach their side of the board in order to score. (KS link)
• Columbia Games' Combat Infantry from Leonard Coufal and Tom Dalgliesh is a fast-paced World War II tactical level game that uses Columbia's hallmark wooden blocks and has been in the works for at least six years under various names. (KS link)
• Jumping to the future, in 2050 (Humans, We Have a Problem...), Alan Gallart of Fiction Non Fiction presents players with the challenge of sourcing renewable energy, changing business practices, and developing better environmental policy so that they can have better ice cap and glacier coverage on their place on Earth than any other player. (KS link)
• Brent Povis of Two Lanterns Games is funding an expansion for his well-regarded two-player game Morels — now five years old! — with Morels Foray, which includes rules for three- and four-player games, new components for use at all player counts, and fancy handcrafted bits that have not yet caused Povis to lose a finger, but with your support, it could still happen. (KS link)
• Another expansion in the offing comes from Vesuvius Media, which released Constantine Kevorque's cooperative 4X science-fiction game Centauri Saga in 2016. Centauri Saga: Abandoned (which is subtitled "Season 1") is a legacy expansion for that game in which a number of scenarios can be played together in a larger campaign with the results of one game having ripple effects on future scenarios. Once you finish the campaign, two additional scenarios can be played on your legacied game board. The publisher emphasizes that the legacy element applies only to the expansion materials, not the components in the base game. (KS link)
• I like to feel that I'm on top of things and have some idea of what's going on the game industry, but I receive daily reminders that I'm missing out on many things, such as not knowing about the existence of Sam Coates' Dungeon Dice, which Potluck Games released in 2014. (The Dungeon Dice I know about was released in the 1970s and my brother and I played that game at least one thousand times.) The more recent Dungeon Dice is an adventuring game in which everything you do involves dice in some manner, with players acquiring lots of dice during play. Potluck is running a crowdfunding campaign for The Lost King expansion, which it calls the final expansion, with the base game and the entire line also being available. (KS link)
• Mark Major's Chimera Station — a worker-placement game in which the workers are aliens that you can modify during the game by combining different plastic bits — is on Kickstarter...again. Tasty Minstrel Games funded an edition of the game in October 2016 ahead of a planned release in June 2017, and now Belgian co-publisher Game Brewer is trying to fund additional versions of the game in European languages beyond English, French, German and Dutch. (KS link)
• Button Shy is back on Kickstarter with another trio of tiny games: Mint Julep, a racing-and-betting game from Dan Letzring; That Snow Moon, a Dave Chalker design in which rebel troops try to assemble forces on the table while the evil Dynasty tries to drop cards on the rebels to expose and remove them; and Circle the Wagons, a design from Aramini, Devine, and Kluka that has you overlaying cards divided into four sections to build your own boomtown. (KS link)
• Daryl Andrews, J.R. Honeycutt, and CSE Games are following the release of Fantasy Fantasy Baseball with Fantasy Fantasy Football, a game in which players serve as team managers who fill their roster with fantasy creatures, then hit the field. (KS link)
• Ben Mora's Wages of War: The Uncooperative Siege Game from Mora Games gives you the five-second summary in the title: Players are collectively sieging a castle, but they want to individually cause as much damage as possible since that's all the matters in the end — yet you can benefit from the actions of others along the way since you're all sieging elbow to elbow around the castle. (KS link)
• Petrichor might have you searching for a definition in order to determine what the game might be about, but publishers Cloud Island and Mighty Boards have made things easy for you by placing the definition on the box itself: the pleasant earthy smell after rain. In this design by David Chircop and Dávid Turczi, you are the one responsible for that pleasant earthy smell because you are a cloud, and you want to float around, make more clouds, and rain on things to grow more plants than any other cloud. (KS link)
• Desginer Mitsuo Yamamoto of Logy Games creates abstract strategy games from ceramic and wood in small print runs — typically with multiple versions so people can choose the images they want on the pieces — and his latest offering is a new version of Safari-Dual, a two-player game in which players try to remove the opposing lion from play or else move their lion into the opponent's den. During play, you remove opposing animals by sandwiching them between two of your animals of the same type, with their animal becoming the meat in your sandwich. Yum. (KS link)
Editor's note: Please don't post links to other Kickstarter projects in the comments section. Write to me via the email address in the header, and I'll consider them for inclusion in a future crowdfunding round-up. Thanks! —WEM