• In Yuri Zhuravlev's Viceroy, players build pyramids from their character and law cards in order to use the powers on those cards, and the higher the level, the more powerful the effect. (KS link)
• Designer and self-publisher Stephen Finn has retooled his card game Biblios into Biblios Dice — with an intermittent stop as Scripts and Scribes: The Dice Game — with players competing for standing in five categories via auctions for gold or resources that take place based on the rolls of the dice. (KS link)
• Australian publisher Grail Games is trying to fund a new edition of Too Many Cinderellas, a deduction and voting game in which players need to narrow down their choices for which lady is the true Cinderella that was first released by designers Dogen and Shimamura through Taikikennai Games. (KS link)
• French publisher Ferti is working with Eagle-Gryphon Games on a deluxe version of Marcel-André Casasola Merkle's Taluva, with "deluxe" meaning that the tiles are giant-sized (3.7" wide) and the pieces are giant-sized and you can house everything in a giant wooden box or a giant wooden hut and you can upgrade to a double-sided playing board that "includes three different playing areas, thus adding strategic depth and replayability to the basic game", despite no details of how you'd even use the board other than as a coaster to possibly protect your giant tiles from spilled drinks. (KS link)
• The Demise of Dr. Frankenstein from designer Mark Hanny and publisher Joe Magic Games, first released in 2010, is aiming for a second edition, with players in the game trying to construct a lab and valuable members of society before the villagers find out what you're doing and burn the place down. (KS link)
• Infinity Plus One is running a KS for crescent- and square-shaped metal coins for use in whatever games one might desire to use such things. (KS link)
• Black Hat, from designers Thomas Klausner and Timo Multamäki and publisher Dragon Dawn Productions, is a trick-taking board game about hackers in which your desire to win or lose a trick will depend on your location on the board. By chance, I recorded a demo video of Black Hat at Spiel 2013. (KS link)
• In Raid & Trade from Charalampos Tsakiris and MAGE Company, players do both of those things in a post-World War III environment as they try to complete three secret quests on their way to entry in a golden city. (KS link)
• Stowaway 52 is a choose-your-own-adventure solitaire game played with a specialized deck of cards that challenges you to visit each card exactly once, with the "once" part being key because if you're forced to visit a card that you've previously set aside, you lose the game. (KS link)
• Pete Betcher's In a World of Dinosaurs lets you do that movie announcer thing over and over again while you play as both dinosaurs in the past and paleontologists in the present, with trying to leave your dino remains in a good place where your paleontoligst will find them. Ooky! (KS link)
• Christophe Pinson's Jeu du Minotaure pits 3-10 players against one another in a wooden labyrinth, with each trying to be the last to survive in order to reveal himself as the true Theseus from legend. (Ulule link)
• Cool Mini Or Not took the license for the announced-in-2009-but-never-delivered Ron & Bones and have now boarded KS with Rum & Bones, a 2-6 player game in which two pirate crews attempt to destroy one another's ship. (KS link)
• Ken Hodkinson's abstract strategy wargame Bin'Fa first appeared in 1977, then was reprinted in 1980 by Avalon Hill as Hexagony, and now more than three decades later Hodkinson is self-publishing a new version of the game under the title Bin'Fa: The Tao of War – The Game of Oriental Strategy and Conquest, with the game board now being modular, rule changes to how players gather supplies, and more. (KS link)
• In an interesting twist on how to get folks to back a Kickstarter project, Ares Games is running a BGG auction for Sails of Glory, War of the Ring, Galaxy Defenders, and so on, with the winning bidders being required to donate their bids to a KS project to restore the Pazzi Chapel in Florence, Italy. (KS link)
• German publisher Spieltrieb has a third title in its Little'N'Nice game series on Spieleschmiede: elf Elfen helfen, or Eleven Elves Help, with the game being of the "spot the missing item" variety. (Spieleschmiede link)
• Apparently BoardGameGeek was running a KS project for I Hate Zombies., a quick-playing RPS-based game from Kevin Wilson, but I hesitated to include the game in one of these c.f. posts while the KS was running as I felt oddly conflicted due to me being an employee of the site. (KS link) I had nothing to do with the game design, development or artwork, but still. If you think that I'm being uncomfortable for no reason, let me know and I'll include future BGG Micro Series titles in these posts as I believe that more will come. (KS link)
Editor's note: Please don't post links to other Kickstarter projects in the comments section. Write to me via the email address in the header, and I'll consider them for inclusion in a future crowdfunding round-up. Thanks! —WEM