I'll be tweeting pics and news from the show via BGG's Twitter account, and I may or may not be posting a summary of such things later in this space. Who knows? I still have lots of videos from Spielwarenmesse 2015 to post, not to mention all of the other things that publishers keep announcing, so it's not like I'm starving for new games to cover!
I already have a long list of publishers to contact and appointments to keep during the show, but if you happen to be at NY Toy Fair, too, and our paths cross and I'm not already schmoozing with someone, be sure to come up and say hi and ask anything other than "What have you see that looks good?" because that's what all of us say to each other every time at these shows and the answer is always a shrug because we're tired and we haven't played anything and mostly we just want to sit and rest our feet.