• As for Fractal Juegos' original releases, it has a roll-and-write game, of course, as every publisher and designer seems to have these days. In Crop Circles from Sebastián Martínez, players attempt to create attractive circles by rolling two six-sided dice each turn and placing the results in eight interlocking circles — the seven overlapping circles and an eighth formed by the central location of each of those seven circles.
• Diego Burgos' Alakablast presents another familiar gaming situation, with 2-5 players trying to pass their magic school exam by battling one another with a variety of spells — the problem being that you don't know exactly which spells you hold because some cards in your hand face away from you.
On a turn, you can ask opponents for clues as to which cards you hold or you can duel someone either with power (i.e., the numbers on the cards) or with elements (with water beating fire, which beats plants, which beats water, although everything beats the 7-power shadow while losing to the 0-power light).
• Laura Mena's Tori-Tori: Endangered Species is a 2021 co-operative design co-published with Ludoismo in which players attempt to save endangered species on an island. Each turn, dice determine which events take place, such as predators, pollution, or precipitation, then players take actions, developing specialities over the course of play to perform better. If any species goes extinct before the players transform the island and make the industry on it more environmentally friendly, they lose.
• Fractal Juegos has a title from Reiner Knizia, of course, as his goal is to have a title in every publisher's catalog everywhere. that game is Monster Chef, with this being a new edition of the 2005 card game Inferno.
Each round, players start with twelve cards in hand, with cards coming in five colors each numbered 1-5. A "condition card" is revealed at the start of play, and on a turn you either discard a card of the same number or color as the condition card or else claim all discarded cards and the condition card, then play a new condition card from your hand. (If you take fewer than three discarded cards, take random cards from the deck until you have three.) When a player's hand is emptied, finish the round, then score points: face value for red cards and 1 point for everything else. Whoever has the fewest points after as many rounds as the number of players wins.
• Tough Calls: Dystopia, a 2020 design from Diego Burgos and Margarita Pino, looks unlike other Fractal Juegos titles, and that's because players are confronted by a variety of post-apocalyptic scenarios such as planet-wide drought, an alien invasion, or mysterious beasts from the oceanic depths. Here's a short description: