You start the game with a group of Vikings, and successful adventures give you the gold to hire others, with the new abilities from these Vikings allowing you to earn additional rewards or avoid dangers as your adventures become more demanding. While gold is good, fame in Valhalla is what matters in the end.
Die Wikinger Saga features a modular structure, with each adventure being constructed on a different landscape and with specific Vikings (27 different ones in total!) available for each landscape so that each game plays out differently.
• The newest title in Schmidt's "Klein & Fein" game line will be Man muss auch gönnen können from Ulrich Blum and Jens Merkl, with this being a 1-4 player game with a 30-minute playing time and an "all-in" gameplay along the lines of Dizzle and Ganz schön clever:
All players are involved in the game because if the active player re-rolls their dice, then everyone else can use those results for themselves.
• Schmidt will release a German-language edition of the party game Wavelength under the title Perfect Match, along with a German-language edition of Mystery House from Cranio Creations.
• Point Up from newcomer Katrin Abfalter falls into the "speed reaction" end of the design pool:
The game includes a deck of cards that feature grids of Pac-Man style icons (circles with a removed wedge) on one side and a specific command on the other. In a round, a new grid of icons is revealed, and at the same time the command is revealed on the top of the exposed card. Are you looking for the color that appears most frequently in the grid? The color of the icon pointed at by two other icons? Or the color of the icon that nothing points to?
Name the right color quickly, and you claim the card. You have only one guess!