Gen Con 2019 is underway, and I have to run to appointments soon, but we've assembled a (partial) list of the games available for play in our Hot Games Room, so I wanted to share the list so that...
My final game preview video for Gen Con 2019 highlights The Towers of Arkhanos from designers Daniel Alves and Eurico Cunha Neto, which was originally Kickstarted by Creative Games Studio, then...
Gen Con 2019 opens in two days, and despite my efforts to preview as many games as possible that will debut at that show or first be widely available there — kicking off with my overview of...
"What do you think about a Machi Koro legacy game?"The question came from Pandasaurus Games. It was a straightforward question and a variant of one I get from publishers from time to time. I had...
For most conventions that I attend, I bring a game or two with me to play at the show, often a game that I've played and liked but haven't experienced enough to do a decent overview. Lost Cities:...