We already knew about one of the titles — Detective: A Modern Crime Boardgame from Trzewiczek and Przemysław Rymer — as we recorded an overview of the game at the GAMA Trade Show in March 2017. Trzewiczek described Detective as a modern take on Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective. Here's our current game description, followed by the GAMA presentation:
Detective: A Modern Crime Boardgame brings classic puzzle-solving gameplay into the 21st century with the introduction of online elements. This story-driven, cooperative game includes five scenarios that can be played independently, or worked through as a complete campaign. The game blends printed elements, with a complementary online component that allows players to investigate clues through their favorite internet-connected devices.
Portal Games plans to release Detective: A Modern Crime Boardgame at SPIEL '18 in October, and you better believe that I have already started the SPIEL '18 Preview. Gotta stay on top of these things!
The other big box title coming from Portal Games, with this one due out at Gen Con 2018 in August, is Monolith Arena from Michał Oracz. This game was pitched as a kind of fantasy-based Neuroshima HEX!, with the base game coming with five factions, only 2-4 of which will be used in any single playing on the hexagonal game board. To quote from my own write-up:
• Imperial Settlers: We Didn't Start The Fire continues the song-based names of the first two Empire Packs for Imperial Settlers. As for what's inside the box, WDSTF contains fifty new cards along with (if I understood correctly) borders that are placed between each pair of players. I'm not sure what the borders do, but I'm sure you can imagine effects that would matter for such things.
• Alien Artifacts: Discovery adds fifty new cards to the Alien Artifacts base game as well as a new type of card featuring alien resources.
• Let's close by wrapping around to Trzewiczek once again, this time with Robinson Crusoe: The Lost City of Z, the second large expansion for Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island. From the press release:
Robinson Crusoe: The Lost City of Z introduces new mechanisms of horror and sanity into the game! Discover new characters, beasts, and mystery deck cards! The expansion includes five missions that form a long and epic campaign!
No release dates were given for any of the expansions other than sometime in 2018. Trzewiczek promised more details at the 2018 GAMA Trade Show in March, and he stated that other items might be added to the release calendar as well, although they'd likely be promos and other small goodies.