At GAMA Expo 2022, fellow Canadian publisher Synapses Games announced that it has been working with Triton Noir on a retail version of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood of Venice, that is, something that could be placed into distribution given that the original publisher focuses on crowdfunding and direct sales.
The retail edition of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood of Venice features the same scenarios as the original Kickstarter release and therefore the same gameplay experience. What has changed is that all of the miniatures other than the five detailed assassin figurines have been replaced with standees, so this version of the game includes 5 miniatures, 139 standees, 6 secret envelopes, 41 tiles, and more than 400 cards. Triton Noir sells the original KS release on its website for US$239 — with three expansions also being available for $71 each — whereas the retail edition of the game will sell for US$140, with an anticipated release date of Q4 2022.
In case you're not familiar with the game, here's a summary of the setting and gameplay:
Fight or stay incognito thanks to the equipment found in chests or manufactured by Leonardo Da Vinci. Evade your pursuers by climbing on roofs and towers, then synchronize to reveal new game elements. Bribe your enemies, use secret hideouts to escape patrols, and flip mechanisms to change the level layout. After each memory, fall back to your headquarters to heal your wounds, grow your brotherhood's fame, and craft special equipment. The game features a save system that allows the number of players to vary between each campaign and the level of play adjusts according to the number of players.
Many surprises await in the sealed envelopes. Meet the many famous personalities you've encountered in the Assassin's Creed video games as well as four unique ones created especially for this game.