To wit: If you have shipped games to me for preview or coverage on BGG News, and you are shipping them to 102 Lanewood Way or 24 Beacon Street, then you are throwing games fruitlessly into the wind as I don't live at either of those addresses and the packages are not being forwarded to me. If you're shipping games to 24 Beacon Street, then you are also bothering the woman who bought that house from me and my wife in mid-2011. I know this as I received an angry phone call from her the other day. Apparently she thinks that I have packages sent to that house specifically to torque her off. "Ha ha", says I. "Take that for getting a great deal on our old New Englander! That'll teach you to make a fuss about asbestos in the basement!!" (I have not actually said this, but my wife thinks such thoughts often.)
So if you are one of those designers or publishers who have sent games to me at those old addresses, now you know the situation and why I haven't commented on them. (For those who have sent games to my current address, I unfortunately have no excuse other than busyness.) If you need my current address for some reason, please email me at the address in the BGGN header or Geekmail me. Okay, back to other things, specifically the Spiel 2013 Preview which is up to 233 listings with many more to be added over the next eight weeks...